Horn of Africa (MNN) — In March, April and May, the “long rains” come to the Horn of Africa — or at least they are supposed to.
Horn of Africa (MNN) — In March, April and May, the “long rains” come to the Horn of Africa — or at least they are supposed to.
South Sudan (MNN) — Sign language Scripture helps Deaf translator forgive offense
China (MNN) — BFTW has launched their Chinese outreach program
Int’l (MNN) — Festival brings the Gospel to Malawi and Burkina Faso
Nepal (MNN) — Believers learn how to reach their people for Christ; more resources needed
Nepal (MNN) — Bible distribution project in Nepal picks up speed
Nepal (MNN) — Enthusiastic response to a Bible distribution in Nepal
USA (MNN) — Bible engagement starts with the obvious — a Bible