China (MNN) — The law allows only religious groups with government approval to share content over the internet.
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China (MNN) — The law allows only religious groups with government approval to share content over the internet.
Kenya (MNN) —It could be the most consequential political event in Africa in 2022.
India (MNN) — You can help turn the spiritual tide in India for Christ!
Pakistan (MNN) — We recently reported on Pakistan’s brick kilns.
Pakistan (MNN) — In Pakistan, over 15,000 brick kilns play a significant part in the economy.
Pakistan MNN) — Rehan worked as a waiter at a roadside restaurant.
Palestine (MNN) — Israel denied these charges, saying they originate from antisemitism.
Lebanon (MNN) — Strife between religious factions has stalled government progress in Lebanon.
Ethiopia (MNN) — “Even though Pastor T is himself a refugee now, he’s organized three different ministries.”