India (MNN) — President Trump visited India this week, and did not publicly address religious freedom, the issue that is tearing apart New Delhi.
China (MNN) — As China recovers from the coronavirus outbreak, Bibles for China looks to “Hit the ground running.”
Senegal (MNN) – Ibrahima D.’s comfortable life turned tragic one night, but he now knows what he couldn’t have imagined then: God’s hope shines even brighter in the darkness.
Burkina Faso (MNN) — Militant Islamist groups fatally attacked Christians in Burkina Faso on January 25, February 1, and February 16.
Brazil (MNN) — Sammy Tippit Ministries’ new WhatsApp program creates a space for Christians around the world to connect with each other.
Haiti (MNN) — From Haiti with Love is the only free burn clinic in the country, and it is desperately needed.
USA (MNN) — Teach kids about global missions with MAF’s new VBS program, SOAR!
China (MNN) — Bibles for China is not letting the coronavirus get in the way of bringing scripture to the Chinese people.
Nigeria (MNN) — Trans World Radio (TWR) will be launching its new Oasis AM transmitter on February 1 to share the Gospel with Muslim and Christian listeners across Nigeria.
MENA (MNN) — How to remember the persecuted Church this Advent season