Nicaragua (MNN) — Pastors drawn in by first movie in their language
Nicaragua (MNN) — Pastors drawn in by first movie in their language
Nicaragua (MNN) — One school Gospel presentation shows fruit 7 years later
Africa (MNN) — JESUS Film officials plan to develop new media discipleship material.
USA (MNN) — JESUS Film may use Anime to reach today’s youth
International (MNN) — You can reach people with the Gospel by joining a JESUS Film Mission Trip
Congo (MNN) — LRA attacks villages, MAF flies in aid and the Gospel
International (MNN) — Jesus Film Project is hopeful despite setbacks
Africa (MNN) — Nearly 100 villagers saved after watching Jesus Film
USA (MNN) — The ‘JESUS’ film is now available in more than 1,000 languages
International (MNN) — A ministry DVD blends athleticism and evangelism during Olympic year