Nigeria (MNN) — The Saare people are still waiting for Scripture in their heart language
Nigeria (MNN) — The Saare people are still waiting for Scripture in their heart language
International (MNN) — Jesus Film Project celebrates unexpected Gospel growth.
International (MNN) — Media ministry finds creative work-around for evangelism.
Iran (MNN) — Countries have been closing their borders to Iran due to fear about the coronavirus COVID-19, and its throwing a wrench in ministry efforts tot he country.
Central Asia (MNN) — God’s Spirit moves mightily in an unreached village
Sudan (MNN) — Unreached People Groups remain a priority for Gospel workers
USA (MNN) — Short films provide platform for spiritual conversations
Middle East (MNN) — A training resource helps writers share the Gospel through film
Haiti (MNN) — When the struggle is life or death, do toys matter?
MENA (MNN) — Short Films open hearts in the Middle East.