Ethiopia (MNN) — Demand for “JESUS” film explodes among Ethiopian women
Ethiopia (MNN) — Demand for “JESUS” film explodes among Ethiopian women
Paraguay (MNN) — Despite technological errors, poor city cries out to Christ after successful JESUS Film showing
USA (MNN) — Christian fellowship injected with ministry mindset for Alaskan Cruise
Italy (MNN) — Film showings of Magdalena transform lives of Italian women
International (MNN) — Personal reflections about what kind of Father’s Day gift to give
International (MNN) — New anime film could launch teens toward the Gospel
Japan (MNN) — ‘JESUS’ film requested for delivery alongside quake aid
Chile (MNN) — Miners prayed; received Bibles and Jesus Films underground
Zimbabwe (MNN) — ‘JESUS’ film gives new hope to desperate people in crime-infested area