International (MNN) — Help CRI share Christ through Bibles and Christian books.
International (MNN) — Help CRI share Christ through Bibles and Christian books.
Philippines (MNN) — CRI is getting closer to making a deal with the Filipino authorities.
International (MNN) — CRI makes it easier than ever to bring Jesus to the unreached.
International (MNN) — CRI ships five containers full of Bibles and Christian books overseas.
International (MNN) — CRI gives missionaries what they need to make a difference.
International (MNN) — More Bibles are needed for CRI’s ministry.
Kenya (MNN) — A recent college graduate hopes to jump-start training for pastors in Kenya.
USA (MNN) — Want to reach thousands with God’s Word without leaving your home?
USA (MNN) — CRI celebrates 2013 goals, plans for 2014.