Mexico (MNN) — Mission Cry sends the hope of Christ to Mexican border state.
India (MNN) — This region has often been known for Hindu extremism.
International (MNN) — Mission Cry’s Christ Spanish Bible meets increasing demand.
Pakistan (MNN) — About 100 Muslims began following Christ after receiving Bibles.
Pakistan (MNN) — Osama bin Laden, who helped plan the 9/11 terror attacks, was killed in 2011.
South Sudan (MNN) — In 1987, a brutal civil war decimated Sudan.
Myanmar (MNN) — After seizing power from the elected government, Myanmar’s military continues using violence against civilians.
South Sudan (MNN) — Former Marines cross state lines to collect donated Bibles for South Sudan shipment.
Nigeria (MNN) — Mission Cry shipped 24 containers of free Bibles and Christian books this year.
Nigeria (MNN) — Over the past decade, between 50,000-70,000 Christians have been killed by terrorist groups in Nigeria.