Syria (OM/MNN) — Amid destruction and war, God is at work.
Syria (OM/MNN) — Amid destruction and war, God is at work.
Iraq (MNN) — Hope rises from grim headlines; refugees offer perspective.
Turkey (MNN) — As stability crumbles, evangelicals hold out hope.
International (MNN) — Though ISIS expands, there is reason to hope.
Middle East (MNN) — An interesting perspective on terrorism.
Europe (MNN) — European Parliament takes a stand on ISIS persecution.
Syria (MNN) — Islamic State releases 22 Christian hostages in northeast Syria.
Turkey (Int’l Needs/MNN) — International Needs issues urgent prayer request.
Iraq (MNN) — Vision Beyond Borders prepares to help refugees left in the aftermath of ISIS.
Iraq (MNN) — A family remembers the loss of a loved one, prays for the best.