Libya (MNN) — Months of fighting for freedom result in a declaration of Sharia law for Libya
Iran (MNN) — Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani spared, retrial ordered
Iran (MNN) — Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani on death row after refusing for the third time to reject Christ
Somalia (MNN) — Somali Christian kidnapped, then beheaded by al Shabaab for faith
International (MNN) — Still little change after Arab Spring, but hearts are more open
USA (MNN) — Changes spark growing debate on Sharia law
International (MNN) — Muslims spiritually in tune for ‘Night of Power;’ believers pray
Sudan (MNN) — Teen girl abducted, raped and tortured unless she converts; police do nothing
International (MNN) — Islam is ‘the big challenge facing the church today’
International (MNN) — Pioneers offers program to teach effective evangelism of Muslims