Pakistan (MNN) — Nehemiah, an FMI ministry leader in Pakistan, was beaten by police, but has been released and is now free.
Indonesia (MNN) — Many Christians across Indonesia face religious persecution that is embedded in the culture and legal system.
Senegal (MNN) – Ibrahima D.’s comfortable life turned tragic one night, but he now knows what he couldn’t have imagined then: God’s hope shines even brighter in the darkness.
Iran (MNN) — Protests continue in Iran as local Christians forced to spend triple on ministry
Sudan (MNN) — Transitional leadership has the chance to take Sudan in a new direction
Afghanistan (MNN) — World Missionary Press sends 1,000 Scripture booklets to secret believer
Iran (MNN) — Pray for Muslims as Ashura 2019 concludes
Burkina Faso (MNN) — Surprising extremist surge in Burkina Faso attacking Christians
Palestine (MNN) — Do you have ESL certification and a heart for international ministry?
Indonesia (MNN/WAS) — Wycliffe Associates partners with persecuted Church for Bible translation