Algeria (MNN) — When former Prime Minister Abdelaziz Djerad resigned in late June, Finance Minister Ayman Benabderrahmane stepped forward to take his place.
Algeria (MNN) — When former Prime Minister Abdelaziz Djerad resigned in late June, Finance Minister Ayman Benabderrahmane stepped forward to take his place.
Nigeria (MNN) — Early Monday morning, armed men smashed a hole in the school’s brick wall.
Turkey (MNN) — Turkey leans toward strict Islam, but Jesus taught His followers a different way of treating women.
Bangladesh (MNN) — The original constitution still calls Bangladesh a secular state.
Pakistan (MNN) — Many are as young as 12, chained up to keep them from escaping.
International (MNN) — For the second straight year, the celebration of Ramadan has been restricted by COVID-19.
USA (MNN) — Twenty-nine other countries have made similar declarations, including France, Germany, and Canada.
International (MNN) — Islamic fasting month begins; Prayercast organizes global intercession.
Pakistan (MNN) — He supported religious freedom for all and opposed Pakistan’s blasphemy laws.
Turkey (MNN) — A bipartisan group of 54 senators sent a letter to President Biden.