Iran (MNN) — At least 27 children have died since the protests began in September.
Ukraine (MNN) — Russia has used drones against Ukraine’s electricity infrastructure.
Iran (MNN) — The regime has responded by sending them to mental health centers.
Iran (MNN) — Evin prison is notorious for holding political prisoners.
Middle East (MNN) — Israel and Lebanon are closer than ever to confirming boundary lines in the Mediterranean Sea.
Iran (MNN) — Authorities have killed over 200 people since protests began.
Iran (MNN) — At least 150 people have been killed so far in clashes between protestors and the police.
Iran (MNN) — Most discipleship materials written in the West do not understand the Muslim context.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Islamic State targets mosques and minorities; secret believers press on despite the risk.
Iran (MNN) — Current unrest poses the biggest threat to Iran’s leadership in years.