Nigeria (MNN) — Unknown Nations is offering biblical support to survivors.
International (MNN) — Advocates mourn Queen Elizabeth II, a “strong voice” for religious freedom.
International (MNN) — Around the world, nearly 80 million people have fled their homes.
International (MNN) — To come alongside what God is doing worldwide, you first have to understand it.
International (MNN) — Individuals cannot do much to reverse Western troop withdrawals. However, you can help persecuted believers in conflict zones.
International (MNN) — Ministry or career? That’s actually a choice Christians shouldn’t have to make.
India (MNN) — How to pray for India amidst unrest.
International (MNN) — The partnership provides emotional and spiritual relief to those who have suffered natural disasters.
International (MNN) — As in-person events are canceled, Global Disciples takes their international worship event online
International (MNN) — Community transformation requires a long-term investment.