India (MNN) — Christians in India know they or their loved ones may pay the ultimate price.
India (MNN) — Christians in India know they or their loved ones may pay the ultimate price.
India (MNN) — Sundar’s story is just one of many persecuted believers.
Nigeria (MNN) — Sunday is International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.
International (MNN) — There’s still time to get your church involved in prayer for persecuted Christians.
India (MNN) — A new IDOP devotional prompts prayer for persecuted Indian believers.
India (MNN) — Sign up for Mission India devotional to learn and pray.
India (MNN) — Your prayers for the persecuted Church make a difference.
MENA (MNN) — Frontiers USA can inform your prayers for persecuted Christians in the Muslim world
International (MNN) — Does God still move through prayer? Ask Petr Jasek.
India (MNN) — Mission India devotional encourages prayer for persecuted Indian Church