Malawi (MNN) — A new partner is spreading God’s Word in some of the darkest places of Malawi: their prisons.
USA (MNN) — Crossroads Bible studies help prisoners put action to faith.
Mali (CAM) — The Gospel transformed the lives of both inmates and an official in one of Mali’s prisons.
United States (MNN) — Approximately nine percent of state and federal prisoners follow Islam, but inmates aren’t the only ones becoming Muslim.
USA (MNN) — Want a chance to encourage someone and share the Gospel?
USA (MNN) — How to extend Christ’s love and compassion to a vulnerable population.
USA (MNN) — Support Crossroads as they send inmates 17,000 Christmas letters!
Iran (MNN) — Christians among those jailed in sanctioned Evin Prison
USA (MNN) — Crossroads praising God for mailing solution in prison ministry
United States (MNN) — The lies they believe have held them captive for too long