Laos (MNN) — New believer leads 100+ people to Christ.
Laos (MNN) — New believer leads 100+ people to Christ.
Philippines (CAM) — God brings beauty from tragedy for a pastor in the Philippines
Egypt (MNN) — Local missionaries extend help to widows and vulnerable families in Egypt.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Reaching the Rohingya requires a “paradigm shift” from Bangladeshi believers.
Nigeria (MNN) — Despite 24-hour curfew, militants move freely; murdering and terrorizing at will.
Pakistan (MNN) — Pressure builds on believers in Pakistan following viral social media tirade.
Myanmar (CAM) — COVID-19 closures left one impoverished congregation wondering how they would survive.
Laos (CAM) — Native missionaries bring Gospel to one of the world’s last bastions of communism
Middle East (MNN) — Indigenous missionaries see rapid growth, despite inherent dangers.
Middle East (CAM/MNN) — Christian Aid Mission stands by Syrian refugees.