India (MNN) — Children eager to share the Gospel they hear at Bible Club
India (MNN) — Children eager to share the Gospel they hear at Bible Club
India (MNN) — New building gives ministry a chance to spread out in the midst of crowded slums
India (MNN) — U.S. State Department says India has good religious freedom laws, needs to put them into practice
India (MNN) — Translation center is major step for evangelism, transformation
India (MNN) — Cornerstone University students train Christian youth in Delhi
India (MNN) — Devastating cyclone has gone widely unnoticed; one ministry helps
India (MNN) — Hindus force Christians from their homes and places of worship
India (MNN) — Mob attacks Bible students in India, GFA asks you to pray
India (MNN) — Thousands respond to weekly radio program
India (MNN) — Pastor ministers out of past hurts