Pakistan (MNN) — Stigmatized Banjara gypsies to receive New Testament in audio for the first time in their language
Pakistan (MNN) — Stigmatized Banjara gypsies to receive New Testament in audio for the first time in their language
India (MNN) — School pushes through persecution, puts up new building in record time
India (MNN) — GFA leader says the world is de-sensitized to violence against Christians in India
International (MNN) — Threats and violence cause for concern as believers gather during the Advent Season
India (MNN) — Hindu radicals make more Christmas threats against believers
India (MNN) — Gospel For Asia’s work near Delhi is hit hard by flooding
India (MNN) — India flooding destroys homes of Compassion children
India (MNN) — Sponsorship program expands to the slums of Calcutta
India (MNN) — Despite monsoon rains, the winds of revival are blowing in India