India (MNN) — Bright Hope launches anti-trafficking project in India’s second-poorest state
India (MNN) — Bright Hope launches anti-trafficking project in India’s second-poorest state
India (MNN) — GFA asks for prayer for those involved in literature distribution
India (MNN) — Gospel reaches temple prostitutes dedicated as infants, forced into prostitution
India (MNN) — People are thirsty for the Gospel, but resources are drying up
India (MNN) — Karnataka’s heavy persecution will not stop the Gospel
India (MNN) — India Partners to provide blankets to victims of severe cold wave in India
Asia (MNN) — GFA-sponsored conferences help women be more effective in outreach
India (MNN) — Orphan Outreach in desperate need of interns
India (MNN) — Believers in India push for protective legislation while a ministry goes to prayer
India (MNN) — Persecution increasing; carolers brutalized and arrested