India (MNN) — A life changed by Children’s Bible Club causes shockwave impact
India (MNN) — A life changed by Children’s Bible Club causes shockwave impact
Latin America/India (MNN) — Young leaders empowered for the Great Commission
India (MNN) — Far Corners Missions says registration is needed in order to open orphanage
USA (MNN) — Summit 9 helps orphan ministries focus on the need at home and abroad
India (MNN) — Anti-Trafficking team intervenes in sex trafficking house in India
India (MNN) — In June, you can leave an eternal footprint in India
India (MNN) — Christian Resources International books will reach deep within India
India (MNN) — Missing trafficking victim gets an ‘ever after’
USA (MNN) — College kid finds creative way to make a difference in the lives of others
USA (MNN) — Do you have a heart for kids in India? Orphan Outreach needs you