India (MNN) — A life devoted to Christ makes an impact on many levels.
India (MNN) — A life devoted to Christ makes an impact on many levels.
India (MNN) — A life devoted to Christ makes an impact on many levels.
India (MNN/GFA)– First a cyclone, now a flood. Devastation is high.
International (MNN) — As Trick-or-Treater’s hit the streets, one group thinks Christmas.
International (MNN) — As Trick-or-Treaters hit the streets, one group thinks ‘Christmas.’
International (MNN) — Multiple crises + multiple response = fingerprints of God.
International (MNN) — Multiple crises + multiple reponse = fingerprints of God.
India (MNN) — Flooding continues to plague parts of India, Christian Aid Mission is helping.
India (MNN)– A massive cyclone hits India, and Christian Aid Missions goes in for relief.