India (MNN) — In June, you can leave an eternal footprint in India
India (MNN) — In June, you can leave an eternal footprint in India
India (IPS/MNN) — India Partners begins three days of life-saving education
India (MNN) — A simple act of sacrifice can transform lives in India
International (MNN) — What does Lent mean to you?
India (MNN) — Lasting change unlikely as gender discrimination rears its ugly head
India (MNN) — How can a sewing machine combat sex trafficking?
India (MNN) — Nilam destroys livelihoods in coastal India; church responds
India (MNN) — Emus are bringing hope to orphans in India
India (MNN) — Social ‘untouchables’ respond to the love and kindness of Jesus
India (MNN) — Medical ministry poised for growth: new van needed