USA (MNN) — USCIRF has called for a congressional hearing.
USA (MNN) — USCIRF has called for a congressional hearing.
South Asia (MNN) — The Great Commission calls every believer to sacrifice.
Nepal (MNN) — A3 alumni are bringing relief in the name of Jesus Christ.
India (MNN) — Just $1 will reach two Indian kids with the Gospel.
Nepal (MNN) — Christians with A3 are bringing aid and Gospel hope.
India (MNN) — State elections hold the potential for change.
India (MNN) — A new IDOP devotional prompts prayer for persecuted Indian believers.
India (MNN) — Ask the Lord to keep ministry doors open in India.
India (MNN) — Dormant terrorist groups are now active participants in Manipur’s ongoing conflict.
India (MNN) — Sign up for Mission India devotional to learn and pray.