Nepal (MNN) — World Mission is taking a trip to Nepal this year, with hopes of also reaching neighboring India with the Gospel.
Nepal (MNN) — World Mission is taking a trip to Nepal this year, with hopes of also reaching neighboring India with the Gospel.
India (MNN) — You can help former devadasis like Haida through Mission India!
India (MNN) — Gifts to Children’s Bible Clubs doubled until April 30th!
India (MNN) — President Trump visited India this week, and did not publicly address religious freedom, the issue that is tearing apart New Delhi.
India (MNN) — New threat and silver lining emerge in India
India (MNN) — Widespread protests continue throughout India
India (MNN) — Despite Christian persecution, God is moving hearts in India
India (MNN) — Muslims are excluded in India’s citizenship amendment bill
India (MNN) — Matching challenge means now is a great time to support Mission India!
India (MNN) — Religious freedom is being compromised by a Hindu agenda