India (MNN) — India may be “winning” against COVID-19, but significant challenges remain for ministry.
India (MNN) — India may be “winning” against COVID-19, but significant challenges remain for ministry.
India (MNN) — Difference Maker event in Michigan is by women, for women!
India (MNN) — During the Taliban’s first rule, many Afghans fled to India.
India (MNN) — Bibles For The World helps church leaders throughout India, supplying tools for Kingdom work.
India (MNN) — Children’s Bible Clubs ministering to kids who’ve lost a parent to COVID-19.
India (MNN) — This region has often been known for Hindu extremism.
India (MNN) — The southern state of Kerala has announced new lockdowns to get ahead of infections.
India (MNN) — A nine-year-old Dalit girl was sexually attacked and killed by four men, who then burned her body to cover up the crime.
India (MNN) — A new report surrounds India’s pandemic statistics with skepticism.
India (MNN) — Mission India’s Church Planter Training continues with the help of supporting church partners.