International (MNN) — The U.S. State Department has placed less emphasis on these issues in recent years.
International (MNN) — Save the date! May 28, 2023, is the International Day for the Unreached.
India (MNN) — Representatives from 21 countries ask India to improve the religious freedom of minorities.
India (MNN) — Matching grant will double gifts to Mission India’s 10-Day Children’s Bible Clubs.
India (MNN) — Your prayers for the persecuted Church make a difference.
India (MNN) — Caution follows closely on the heels of encouraging news from India.
Pakistan (MNN) — It’s the first new Protestant Bible to be printed in Pakistan since before the Partition.
India (MNN ) — But in India, Muslims and Christians often face persecution.
India (MNN) — “Now, even children talk about it.”
India (MNN) — The stakes are high for proclaiming Christ in India, even as a child.