International (MNN) — Does Western culture want Christians practicing Scripture?
International (MNN) — Does Western culture want Christians practicing Scripture?
Sweden (MNN) — Quran-burning protest in Sweden ignites fury among Muslim nations.
Lebanon (MNN) — Illegal marriages in Lebanon are creating stateless children
Kazakhstan (MNN) — Mother heavily fined for child’s ‘illegal religious activity.’
Kazakhstan (MNN) — Mother heavily fined for child’s ‘illegal religious activity.’
Uzbekistan (MNN) — Bibles now on the list of prohibited books in Uzbekistan
Russia (MNN) — Russian gang leader changed for Christ now needing prayers
Ghana (MNN) — Ministry calls for teams to help with trokosi outreach in Ghana
Ghana (MNN) — Ministry discovers missing keys to helping idol worshippers understand the Gospel
Ghana (MNN) — Ministry releases new tool that addresses modern day slavery in Ghana