Int’l (MNN) — International Day of Prayer: what’s it about?
Int’l (MNN) — International Day of Prayer: what’s it about?
International (MNN) — While U.S. pastors face oppression, pastors elsewhere face death.
Central Asia (MNN) — Believers in former Soviet nations need your prayers.
International (MNN) — International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church Nov. 3
North Korea (MNN) — Persecuted North Koreans pray for American Christians.
North Korea (MNN) — Persecuted North Koreans pray for American Christians.
Middle East (MNN) — How does ‘religicide’ in the Middle East and North Africa affect you?
International (MNN) — Prayer warriors gear up for November 3.
International (MNN) — Prayer warriors gear up for November 3.