International (MNN) — Humanitarian crises are drawing people to Christ.
International (MNN) — Humanitarian crises are drawing people to Christ.
Iraq (MNN) — A family remembers the loss of a loved one, prays for the best.
South Sudan (MNN) — Crisis spotlight: South Sudan, refugees, hope for the future.
International (MNN) — Global Advance branches out to better serve pastors on the front-line.
Burma (MNN) — ISIS trying to recruit from Rohingya Muslims fleeing Burma.
Nepal (MNN) — Rebuilding: the aftermath of the quakes in Nepal.
Greece (MNN) — Greek Prime Minister criticizes EU handling of refugee crisis.
Ukraine (MNN) — Chaos: Ukraine, winter, and a rebel decision to cut off help.
USA (MNN) –1000-year floods take South Carolina off guard.