India (MNN) — Southern India faces the worst flooding it’s had in a century. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced and nearly a thousand killed
India (MNN) — Southern India faces the worst flooding it’s had in a century. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced and nearly a thousand killed
Indonesia (MNN) — Three powerful earthquakes and more than 500 aftershocks have dismantled the Indonesian island of Lombok
Nigeria (MNN) — Amidst economic strain, the national Church is weighed with discouragement
Syria (MNN) — Hope stirs amid the ruins of the newly liberated city of Raqqa.
Lebanon (MNN) — Ministry reaching refugees where the government can’t
Puerto Rico (MNN) — Boatloads of aid going to hurricane victims in Puerto Rico
Ukraine (MNN) — Aid to leave war battered Ukraine by end of year
Yemen (MNN) — A ministry finds opportunity to share as they serve
South Sudan (MNN) — Missions amidst famine in South Sudan