Liberia (MNN) — ABWE pregnancy crisis center brings hope
Liberia (MNN) — ABWE pregnancy crisis center brings hope
Lebanon (MNN) — Hopes for peace pinned to Lebanon’s unity government.
USA (MNN) — CURE International is helping western kids be grateful and generous
Moldova (MNN) — Little Samaritan Mission brings the hope of Christ to a village in Moldova
Ethiopia (MNN) — Orphans aren’t leaving orphanages in Ethiopia, Christians are responding
Middle East (MNN) — Distance learning may be a ministry solution amidst Middle East conflicts
Gaza (MNN) — Gaza erupts into chaos; ministry continues to broadcast despite unrest
Lebanon (MNN) — Future peace precarious in Lebanon; ministry continues broadcasting hope and peace of Christ
Lebanon (MNN) — Uneasy peace in Lebanon leads to uneasy staff at Christian satellite ministry