China (MNN) — The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the coronavirus to be a global health emergency.
Palestine (MNN) — New perspectives on land ownership bring hope for peace in the Holy Land.
Lebanon (MNN) — Lebanon endures labor pains of change; names new prime minister, ignites prayer movement.
Kenya (MNN) — Sanitary products restore dignity to schoolgirls, open spiritual doors
USA (MNN) — The most wonderful time of the year? Or most wounded time of the year?
USA (MNN) – Satellite TV ministry sends the signal of God’s love to homes in the Middle East and North Africa.
Lebanon (MNN) — The Syrian refugee crisis is straining Lebanon’s economy
Hong Kong (MNN) — Protests continue, but hope is not lost
Haiti (MNN) — Ministry discusses crisis, focus, opportunity and challenge faced when working in Haiti.
Hong Kong (MNN) — Divided, the city yearns for hope