International (MNN) — Food for the Hungry says an outbreak of the virus H1N1 in Africa could be devastating
International (MNN) — Food for the Hungry says an outbreak of the virus H1N1 in Africa could be devastating
Kenya (MNN) — Numbers of HIV-affected children rising in Kenya
Africa (MNN) — Believers reach out as believers begin to understand AIDS pandemic
USA (MNN) — Kids Alive is helping more than 6,000 children physically and spiritual around the world
USA (MNN) — President Bush signs record AIDS funding bill, Christian groups pleased
USA (MNN) — An InterVarsity students uses art to reach souls and help HIV/AIDS victims
Ukraine (MNN) — Russian Ministries holds conference to help the church address HIV/AIDS
Mozambique (MNN) — Africa Inland Mission workers say the church is growing and gaining strength
Africa (MNN) — Compassion International believes the Africa visit by President Bush will help HIV/AIDS ministry
USA (MNN) — A World Vision study suggests one-third of those living in the West admit they know little about HIV/AIDS