Ecuador (MNN) — While Ecuador has a new constitution, HCJB Global unites the church

Ireland (MNN) — HCJB Global Voice helps launch the first Christian radio station in Ireland

Liberia (MNN) — Radio ministry team brings hope, healing to Liberia

Guatemala (MNN) — The government of Guatemala is pushing Christian radio off the air
Sierra Leone (MNN) — Country continues healing progress from civil war

International (MNN) — HCJB appoints Jim Allen acting president

Ecuador (MNN) — Radio affiliates enjoy training, fellowship at ALAS conference

Ecuador (MNN) — HCJB Global is partnering with other humanitarian organizations to help thousands displaced by flooding in Ecuador

Middle East (MNN) — Christian radio ministry experiences dramatic increase in listenership throughout Middle East/North Africa

USA (MNN) — After serving more than two full terms, president of HCJB Global steps down