Sudan (MNN) — Peace frays under constant attacks between the two Sudans
Sudan (MNN) — Peace frays under constant attacks between the two Sudans
India (MNN) — Believers invest in India’s future
Sudan (MNN) — Sudan threatens arrest of church leaders
India (MNN) — Believers in India’s Karnataka State face increasing harassment and persecution
Pakistan (MNN) — Canada’s lawmakers call on Pakistan to release condemned Christian mother
Iran/Syria (MNN) — The message of peace counters one of violence born out of Iranian, Syrian friendship
International (MNN) — A new report shows uptick in religious violence; Open Doors launches its response
Romania (MNN) — Moldova spreads anti-Christian influence into Romania
Uzbekistan (MNN) — Believers face prison and fines for possession of illegal Christian movies
Turkmenistan (MNN) — Delay in religion law rewrite cause for concern