Haiti (MNN) — Funerals for the slain missionaries were recently held.
Ukraine (MNN) — Russia’s war of attrition against Ukraine seems to be grinding on with no end in sight. Nonetheless, hope remains.
South Africa (MNN) — In this sub-Saharan nation, many women face the challenging but beautiful calling of single motherhood to sons.
Sri Lanka (MNN) — Five years ago this Sunday, suicide bombers linked to Islamic terrorists carried out a deadly series of attacks in Sri Lanka.
Haiti (MNN) — Is this a step towards future stability in the country crippled by gangs?
Nepal (MNN) — Audio Bibles introduce entire families to the Gospel.
Haiti (MNN) — As food insecurity levels reach new heights in Haiti, Christian World Outreach is able to keep its doors open to serve kids and women.
Asia (MNN) — Soon, millions of kids and young adults who speak Mandarin at home will have access to the Gospel, thanks to Keys for Kids.
Haiti (MNN) — A brazen surge of coordinated gang violence plunges Haiti into a new depth of chaos.
Haiti (MNN) — Violence is spreading beyond Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, but church leaders still pursue biblical training.