Eritrea (MNN) — Officials release 22 of the 35 Christians arrested at prayer meetings in March.
Eritrea (MNN) — Officials release 22 of the 35 Christians arrested at prayer meetings in March.
India (MNN) — New Gujarat legislation puts believers on edge.
Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Increased militant attacks beleaguer Christian communities.
Eritrea (MNN) — However, many more remain behind bars.
Malaysia (MNN) — Imagine not being able to use the word, “God.” That could be a reality for Malaysian Christians.
Mozambique (MNN) — Earlier this month, militants murdered 50 people on a soccer field, trying to strike terror throughout the country.
USA (MNN) — Fu frequently criticizes the CCP, especially their persecution of different religious and ethnic groups.
Burkina Faso (MNN) — New report calls attention to West Africa crisis.
Egypt (MNN) — Millions of Christians live in Egypt, about 10 percent of the population.
Eritrea (MNN) — At least 31 Christians have been released from prison in Eritrea, many after being held for more than 10 years.