Nigeria (MNN) — Greg Kelley says the Fulani represent one of the most strategic mission fields in the world.
Bangladesh (MNN) — The latest fire killed 1 child and destroyed 400 shacks and two learning centers.
Kenya (MNN) —It could be the most consequential political event in Africa in 2022.
Pakistan (MNN) — We recently reported on Pakistan’s brick kilns.
Pakistan (MNN) — In Pakistan, over 15,000 brick kilns play a significant part in the economy.
Pakistan (MNN) — Insurgents killed 10 soldiers in Southwest Pakistan during a January 25 shootout.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Thousands of refugees have fled Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover.
Afghanistan (MNN) — Activists live in constant danger, especially women.
Afghanistan (MNN) — One pastor sent his daughter out of the country but stayed himself.
Nigeria (MNN) — The U.S. Department of State did not designate Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern in 2021.