Bangladesh (MNN) — The fire killed at least 11. But hundreds more went missing.
Myanmar (MNN) — The military in Myanmar has killed over 200 civilians since seizing power from the elected government.
Central African Republic (MNN) — Believers need help to survive another day; CAR neighbors push Islamist agenda.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Though no one was hurt, thousands of refugees lost their homes and all their belongings.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Many Rohingya have claimed they were coerced to participate in the project.
Cambodia (MNN) — In October, multiple tropical storms dumped rainfall on Cambodia.
Kenya (MNN) — Ministry ventures into northern Kenya can be dangerous — but so needed
Ethiopia (MNN) — Islamic extremists have been moving from door to door, seeking out Christian families to kill.
India (MNN) — Hearts soften as believers demonstrate Christ’s love.
Ethiopia (MNN) — World Mission shares the Gospel with unreached peoples despite pestilence