Ghana (MNN) — Health clinic construction involves community, makes way for Gospel
Egypt (MNN) — International event has highs and lows for mission team
International (MNN) — India Bible translation picks up support from surprising quarters
Kosovo (MNN) — Christians say Kosovo’s ‘New Birth’ helps Christians talk about new life in Christ
USA (MNN) — Mission Backpack meets two needs of orphans at once
Peru (MNN) — Call to action after pastor’s daughter is burned
Guatemala (MNN) — School for Quiche Indians grows out of old building, ministry helps.
Africa (MNN) — HCJB Global brings partners together in Africa to maximize outreach potential
USA (MNN) — Winter cold continues; more Homeless Care Kits needed to keep people warm
Middle East (MNN) — Ministry utilizes the most-used form of media to reach the Arab world