Lebanon (MNN) — New podcast will provide Gospel hope to Lebanese dealing with trauma.
Lebanon (MNN) — New podcast will provide Gospel hope to Lebanese dealing with trauma.
Malawi (MNN) — Christians in Malawi seek additional Christian resources.
Kenya (CAM) — A cup of cold water in Jesus’ name transforms village chief.
Haiti (MNN) — MAF Haiti country director shares prayer needs as pressure builds.
MENA (MNN) — SAT-7 uses media to reach Arab women with Gospel hope.
Iran (MNN) — Iranians are growing disillusioned with Islam.
USA (MNN) — Keys for Kids is an invaluable resource for Christian adults discipling the next generation.
India (MNN) — Mission India’s matching challenge could reach 800,000 kids with the Gospel!
International (MNN) — It’s not too late to sign up for Prayercast’s Ramadan Prayer Challenge!
South Korea (MNN) — Churches are closing and ministry to North Korea is getting harder.