India (MNN) — Weekend marks 5 years since Orissa genocide.
India (MNN) — Weekend marks 5 years since Orissa genocide.
Syria (MNN) — UN says Syria has caused world’s worst refugee crisis in 20 years.
Rwanda (MNN) — Government authorities stall ministry for visa corrections
Burma (MNN) — Partners Relief & Development is pleading for NGOs to help thousands in need
India (MNN) — After four years, nothing’s changed for victims of extremist attacks
Syria (MNN) — Christians could be the target of serious backlash if Assad regime ends
Middle East (MNN) — Persecution, certainly. Genocide? Ministry responds
Burma (MNN) — Hillary Clinton’s visit to Burma brings cautious optimism
Burma (MNN) — High-level defection to U.S. casts light on troubles in Burma
Rwanda (MNN) — Rwanda looks forward to rebuilding new generations of peace