Int’l (MNN) — Believers faced with unexpected opportunities.
Int’l (MNN) — Believers faced with unexpected opportunities.
Middle East (MNN) — Help change lives by volunteering with Frontiers.
International (MNN) — Finding unique ways to minister to thousands of Muslims through social media.
Africa (Frontiers) — Village woman’s hunger for Christ can’t be contained.
USA (MNN) — How far would you go to bring Christ to the unreached?
International (MNN) — Focus needed on ‘Laylat Al Qadr’ — the night of power.
Middle East (Frontiers) — Becoming a Christian makes you a traitor in some countries.
Middle East (MNN) — Is the solution to ISIS something as simple as prayer?
USA (MNN) — Frontiers worker is praying for 1,000 Saul-to-Paul conversions.