Papua (MNN) — Mission Aviation Fellowship helps famine situation in Papua with relief flights
Papua (MNN) — Mission Aviation Fellowship helps famine situation in Papua with relief flights
Africa (MNN) — Believers launch a relief response in parched Kenya
Ethiopia (MNN) — Some good news in Horn of Africa crisis coming out of Ethiopia
Kenya (MNN) — Kenya’s rainy season may not ‘fix’ the drought; ministry teams respond
Kenya (MNN) — Drought crisis worsens, spreads famine
Haiti (MNN) — Food container released in Haiti, food center now has food
Africa (MNN) — Ministry response to humanitarian crisis in Horn of Africa
Somalia (MNN) — Medical Teams International is making progress in helping famine victims
Uruguay (MNN) — Grace Bible Church of Uruguay celebrates 29 fruitful years of ministry
Kenya (MNN) — Kids Alive helps with famine victims through prayer and sacrifice