Niger (MNN) — Worst floods in 80 years hit the Niger
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Zimbabwe (MNN) — 500+ come to Christ; support needed for villagers’ physical needs
Mali (MNN) — Conflict in Mali escalates food insecurities; NGO notes troubles as ‘permanent’ in Sahel region
Mali (MNN) — Man-made famine worsened by conflict in the Sahel region
Africa (MNN) — GAiN USA tries to prevent the worst of the Sahel food crisis with ongoing aid
Mali (MNN) — Conflict in Mali escalates food insecurities in the region
Gambia (MNN) — Ministry takes action to address food crisis before it becomes famine
Mali (MNN) — Conflict in Mali likely to escalate food crises in neighboring countries
Niger (MNN) — Despite food crisis in Niger, church leaders look forward to a great harvest