USA (MNN) — These numbers include neo-Nazis, ultra-nationalists, and white supremacist groups.
Pakistan (MNN) — The mob aimed to kidnap and assault women in the church.
Pakistan (MNN) — Authorities thwarted an attempted Christmas Day terrorist attack on a church in Peshawar.
Bangladesh (MNN) — The island only formed in 2006, and many people worry it could easily flood.
Pakistan (MNN) — The most egregious enforcers include Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, and Russia.
International (MNN) — This according to the 2020 Global Terrorism Index.
Pakistan (MNN) — Christians distributing Bibles in Pakistan are having an impact
Indonesia (MNN) — Four Christians were murdered on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia this past Friday.
Pakistan (MNN) — Both minority Christians and Shia Muslims in Pakistan are being attacked
Pakistan (MNN) — Church planters point to Prince of Peace following Islamic school bombing.