Turkey (MNN) — Turkey became the first country to sign the treaty in 2011.
Pakistan (MNN) — He supported religious freedom for all and opposed Pakistan’s blasphemy laws.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Eighty-one Rohingya refugees have been rescued after their boat’s engine failed.
Turkey (MNN) — A bipartisan group of 54 senators sent a letter to President Biden.
Indonesia (MNN) — General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has vowed to support minorities and fight extremism.
Pakistan (MNN) — A Muslim man commanded them to stop, summoning a horde of others to surround them.
Kenya (MNN) — In the early hours of January 13th, terrorists attacked a small Kenyan village.
Pakistan (MNN) — You can help get the Gospel to Eastern Balochi speakers
International (MNN) — The report reveals 1 in 8 Christians worldwide suffer high levels of persecution.
USA (MNN) — On Wednesday, protestors stormed the Capitol building in Washington D.C.