Bangladesh (MNN) — Families withstand flooding thanks to Compassion International.
Bangladesh (MNN) — Families withstand flooding thanks to Compassion International.
India (MNN) — Mission India will be restarting its regular programming as COVID-19 cases rise and flooding affects many parts of the country.
Ethiopia (MNN) — World Mission shares the Gospel with unreached peoples despite pestilence
Philippines (MNN) — Flooding affected over 300 Compassion children, but it could have been worse
South Asia (MNN) — Monsoon season 2019 is underway; World Mission spots silver lining
Peru (MNN) — Compassion teams with local churches to help affected families
Mozambique (MNN) — Tropical Cycle Idai looks to be bearing down on Mozambique
Cambodia (MNN) — Floods in Cambodia have already brought hardship, but the people are yet to experience the worst
India (MNN) — Southern India faces the worst flooding it’s had in a century. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced and nearly a thousand killed
Laos (MNN) — Impoverished farmers have lost everything from flooding