Haiti (MNN) — More than 32,000 homes have been washed away, affecting at least 37,000 people.

Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Flash flooding devastated parts of the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo over the weekend.

Türkiye (MNN) — Transform Iran helps earthquake survivors through its network of Iranian Christian refugees in Türkiye.

Pakistan (MNN) — Many villages and crops remain underwater.

Pakistan (MNN) — Catastrophic flooding displaced 33 million people.

Pakistan (MNN) — Wet conditions have also allowed mosquitoes to breed and spread malaria.

Pakistan (MNN) — Record-breaking deluges killed at least 1,400 people, washing away roughly $30 billion in housing, farmland, and livestock.

Pakistan (MNN) — Officials have declared a national emergency.

Pakistan (MNN) — The worst damage happened in the Balochistan region.